Monday, August 21, 2006

Why Kimadia is Failing to Supply Drugs in Mosul

I was cruising the web looking for help for this project and I came across this World Health Organization report on the drug supply situation in Iraq.

link to report

It's a big and rather bureaucatic and hard to read document, but it provides at least some perspective on the nature and source of the problems that are causing Kimadia and the MOH to fail the patients of Mosul so miserably. Based on the report, Mosul's problems are not unique.


Blogger waldschrat said...

I am uncomfortable with the semantics of the term "occupiers" that some find reasonable when referring to US forces. Alternative terms are "liberators" and "heavily armed tourists", although I don't hear em used much.

This projects is not about politics, it is about saving lives and doing something constructive in a place where too much death and destruction has been going on. It is about proving that what Kimadia and USAID and the UN and all the agencies and governments of the world have failed to do CAN in fact be done with nothing more than a computer, a credit card, and the determination necessary to get the job done.

I will not conceal my hope that this project may serve as an example to the insurgents of Iraq that there are better things they could be doing with their time than shooting at people and blowing things up.

Perhaps some US agencies could learn a thing or two from this project too.

I think it's desirable not to make this a platform for criticizing governments or groups of people and preferable to make it a platform for calling on people to work together toward reasonable and constructive goals.

I also didn't get time to read that whole document. I do know that Iraqi hospitals do routinely prepare lists of the drugs they need in the upcoming year and ask that Kimadia provide them. The problem is on the supply end so far as I can tell. Whether it a matter of funds not being allocated or money and goods being misdirectd or simple lack of good management and competence, SOMETHING is preventing Kimadia from supplying what is needed. The problems reported in the document by the representative from Basra were identical to those reported by Mosul: unpredictable and scanty supplies are delivered.

11:08 PM  
Blogger Lynnette In Minnesota said...

I don't think the problems are exclusive to the Ministry of Health.

The corruption is great and the sabotage is not limited to inanimate objects such as oil pipelines.

There are people working very diligently to make Iraq fail as a democracy. And it is not those that people call "occupiers". If this can't be changed and the US pulls out, Iraq may very well go the way of states such as Lebanon. With it's neighbors fighting over bits and pieces of it.

"heavily armed tourists"

I like that term. :) And right now it's rather spot on. Because if Iraq is to succeed they've got to learn to deal with their problems themselves. We can only do so much to help. As you have said in the past, Waldschrat, it is not safe to be seen as cooperating with us.

8:01 AM  
Blogger waldschrat said...

I keep hoping they will learn to deal with the problems, particularly the problem of doing a decent job of supplying the chemotherapy drugs I've been sending. I'm stretching my finances to the limit and then some to maintain the series of monthly shipments I've been sending. I can't keep it up forever. I would feel terrible if I stopped, but on the other hand I am deferring some expenses like car repairs and repairs on rental houses and on my own house that can only be put off so long. Ultimately I will have to reduce or interrupt my donations to this project, either to keep my credit card balance below the limit because expenses exceeded my income or to pay for things that absolutely can not be put off like tax bills and such.

4:02 AM  
Blogger waldschrat said...

Reading my own comment I realize I've made it sound like I'm doing it all myself. There HAVE been donations from others, and they have been meaningful and worthwhile, but only three folks besides me have contributed this year and I'm still pulling the majority of the load. What I/we need to do is find other folks to contribute.

I have never been a diplomat or a people person, and I am seriously burned out after trying so many times to approach people and organizations who might contribute and being ignored or politely offered explanations of why no help can be provided.

I suppose I should get some sleep and start again in the morning.

4:13 AM  

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